Results for 'Ilarion Ilarionovich Shafranovskiĭ'

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  1. Simmetrii︠a︡ v prirode.Ilarion Ilarionovich Shafranovskiĭ - 1968
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  2. Konechnoe i beskonechnoe--: materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika.Fedor Ilarionovich Garkavenko, Mikhail Alekseevich Parniuk & Akademiia Nauk Ukraïns Koï Rsr (eds.) - 1982 - Kiev: "Nauk. dumka".
  3. Sluz︠h︡yty narodovi-to sluz︠h︡yty Bohovi: bohoslovsʹka studii︠a︡.Ilarion - 1965 - Vinnipeh: Vyd. "Nashoï kultury".
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    Istoriia kristallografii v Rossii. I. I. Shafranovskii.Loren Graham - 1964 - Isis 55 (2):248-249.
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    The problem of uniting Ukrainian Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches in the works of Metropolitan Ilarion.O. I. Panko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 19:62-70.
    The ecumenical movement originates from Protestant ecumenical initiatives, which resulted in world Christian conferences of the first half of the twentieth century. As Metropolitan Ilarion rightly pointed out, these conferences "stirred up the Christian thought and sent it to a combination of churches. The conferences have explained how this combination can now be ".
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    Anniversary conference of the memory of Ivan Ogienko - Metropolitan Ilarion.Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 65:149-151.
    The jubilee event took place on January 15 in Kyiv at the Department of Religious Studies. Several institutions - All-Ukrainian Society Prosvita, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, KamyanetsPodil National University named after. Ivan Ogienko - gathered a cohort of devoted scientists, ethnologists, journalists devoted to the gentian themes for the purpose of the solemn completion of the Ogievinki anniversary - the 130th anniversary of the birth of this glorious man and the 40th anniversary of her restoration. The birthday of (...)
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    Note al viaggio in Italia di S. Ilarione siro.Ilona Opelt - 1984 - Augustinianum 24 (1-2):305-314.
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    Modern Western philosophy and Ukrainian philosophical ideas in Eastern Galicia: the cases of Hankevych and Svientsits’kyi.Ihor Karivets & Andrii Kadykalo - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (1):87-98.
    This article examines the interaction of ideas of Modern Western philosophy, including Polish philosophy, and Ukrainian philosophy in Eastern Galicia in the late eighteenth century through the early twentieth century. The authors argue that during this period the methodological foundations of Ukrainian philosophy and its history, both in periodization, and the development of philosophical terminology, were intensively elaborated. This is proved by the analyzing works of such Galician thinkers and cultural figures as Klym Hankevych and Ilarion Svientsits’kyi. Both were (...)
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    Вчення про нескінченність у могилянських філософських курсах (XVII–xviiі ст.): До постановки проблеми.Микола Симчич - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):6-19.
    The article analyses the explication of the infinity in the philosophical courses taught at Kyiv- Mohyla Academy at the 17th and 18th centuries. It examines 12 philosophical courses – since 1645 until 1751. In general, all the professors, as well as other scholastic philosophers, agree that categorematic infinity exists only in God, but syncategorematic is present in the created world. Regarding the question of whether God, being omnipotent, can create a categorematic infinity in the world, the Mogilyans are divided into (...)
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    Church as a factor in the self-determination of a nation in a cultural and civilized environment.Olga Nedavnya - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 10:43-52.
    At the end of the second Christian millennium, Christians united in the church of different denominations and ceremonies. The most devoted ones are looking for ecumenical paths, "that all be one." However, every person is free in his own way to build ties with the Lord. But, as emphasized by the first Metropolitan Rusich Ilarion in the "Word of Law and Grace," every person and the whole people are responsible before God. This statement is based on the authority of (...)
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    Work in the system of vital senses of Ivan Ogienko.K. Nedzelsky - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:80-88.
    "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread" - this well-known biblical imperative from the Book of Genesis is best suited to the general characteristics of the life path of the famous Ukrainian scholar and theologian Ivan Ivanovich Ogienko, also known as Metropolitan Ilarion. All his long enough life, from early childhood to his death, he worked for the benefit of his native Ukrainian people, expressing his hard work one of the most significant of his existential traits. (...)
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    The Problem of Infinity in Kyiv-Mohylian Philosophical Courses : A Preliminary Study.Mykola Symchych - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):6-19.
    The article analyses the explication of the infinity in the philosophical courses taught at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy at the 17th and 18th centuries. It examines 12 philosophical courses – since 1645 (the course by Inokentii Gizel) until 1751 (the course by Georgii Konyskyi). It shows how the infinity was defined and in which kinds it was divided in different courses. In general, all the professors, as well as other scholastic philosophers, agree that categorematic infinity exists only in God, but syncategorematic is (...)
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